You know you live in South Africa when....
" You produce a R100 note instead of your driver’s licence when stopped by a traffic officer You can do your monthly shopping on the pavement You have to hire a security guard whenever you park your car You can count the national soccer team’s scores with no fingers To get free electricity you have to pay a connection fee of R750 Hijacking cars is a profession You can pay your tuition fees by holding up a sign at a traffic light The petrol in your tank may be worth more than your car “Just Now” can mean anything from a minute to a month You continue to wait after a traffic light has turned to green to make way for taxis travelling in the opposite direction Travelling at 120 km/h you’re the slowest car on the highway You’re genuinely and pleasantly surprised whenever you find your car parked where you left it A bullet train is being introduced but we can’t fix potholes The last time you visited the coast you paid more in speeding fines and road toll fees than you did...