A part ca, quoi de neuf? 17-08-2007

  • Madilu System passed away. The Congolese Bialu Madilu System, aka Ramsès II or also the Grand Ninja, who died on August 11th in Kinshasa. Madilu was one of the musicians who worked with the late Franco Luambo Makiadi of TP OK Jazz. After Franco's death, he was one of the godfather of Rumba music. It is a great loss for African music as a whole.

  • Chinese flocking in numbers to a new frontier: Africa (International Herald Tribune). "[...]hundreds of thousands of Chinese have discovered the continent, setting off to do business in a part of the world that had been terra incognita for their compatriots. The Xinhua press agency recently estimated there were at least 750,000 Chinese working or living for extended periods on the continent, a reflection of burgeoning economic ties between China and Africa that reached $55 billion in trade in 2006, compared with less than $10 million a year a generation earlier."

  • 10 idees reçues Sur l’Afrique (Jeune Afrique). "1 - « Le tribalisme explique tous les conflits »; 2 - « Elle n'est pas prête pour la démocratie »; 3 - « Il n'y a pas d'entrepreneurs »; 4 - « Elle reçoit plus d'argent qu'elle n'en rembourse »; 5 - « L'agriculture est archaïque et figée »; 6 - « Les chefs d'État sont tous corrompus… »; 7 - « Le sida va la rayer de la carte du monde »; 8 - « La forêt recule... »; 9 - « Les Africains font trop d'enfants »; 10 - « Tous polygames »." A nous de combattre tous ces prejuges a notre encontre.
  • Start-Up : Rwanda. (Business 2.0). "Rwanda is home to one of the most hopeful, if little noticed, transformations in the bottom-line world of business. An African killing field, roughly the size of Vermont, turning into a mecca for venture capitalists?"


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