Readings: Gabon, Cameroun, Mariage, Jonathan Goodluck

Yo, je sais que ca fait vieux mais il faut croire que notre part ne nous laisse pas Christelle et moi.
Donc en vrac, quelques liens interessants histoire de reprendre le fil de l'histoire:

while the ruling elite in Cameroon may have reason to jubilate over the Gabonese transition, they are most likely drawing the wrong lessons from the said transition, and/or not paying enough attention to the actual details of that transition which reveal a number of disquieting issues that could be potentially destabilizing for Cameroon in the same circumstances.
So why are "Marry Him" and "Committed" flying off the shelves? Because they do what all popular books on the subject have done over the years, decades and even centuries: They lay out rules, treating love, romance and relationships as if they are quantifiable and controllable. To be a young, single woman looking to settle down today is to be in the Wild West of dating history. Daters are ravenous for advice to order the chaos, even if it comes from a book, like "Marry Him," that berates them or, like "Committed," claims that marriage is a terrible institution for women (though the author gets hitched by her memoir's end).
  •  Jonathan Goodluck : un leader accidentel pour le Nigeria (New York Times).
The circumstances of Acting President Goodluck Jonathan’s accession to power are so odd that even he looks bewildered as he takes a self-effacing bow in this boiling, fractious nation. He has not been elected. He has not exactly been appointed. He did not seize power in a coup, unlike many of his predecessors. And as a mild-mannered academic in a black fedora, he seems an unlikely fit in Nigeria’s tough-guy environment.


Eddy a dit…
Citation: "Yo, je sais que ca fait vieux" (fin de citation)

- cheeef, cheeef, nous avons des nouvelles radio de la "peregriniste"
- je vous ai déjà dit de ne plus boire pendant les heures de service
- si, si je vous jure chef.

Salut toi, ca roule comme tu veux?

Citation: "mais il faut croire que notre part ne nous laisse pas Christelle et moi" (fin de citation)

comment ca Christelle et toi? Toi, bon je peux encore comprendre qu'on s'inquiete de ton absence, mais pour l'absenteiste de Christelle, c'est plutôt sa présence qui inquieterait. :)

Citation: "The circumstances of Acting President Goodluck Jonathan’s accession to power are so odd .." (fin de citation)

His name is .. Goodluck, remember? :)
Lydie a dit…
LOL Eddy. La part de Goodluck de ce cher Jonathan s'appelle "affaire a suivre"...Car il semblerait que Yar'Adua n'aie pas encore dit son dernier mot litteralement!

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