Le Bostwanais Festus Mogae recoit le prix Ibrahim Mo

Via New York Times.

Festus Gontebanye Mogae, ancien précisent du Bostwana a reçu le prix Ibrahim Mo du meilleur leader Africain en 2008.

He was honored for consolidating his nation’s democracy, ensuring that its diamond wealth enriched its people and providing bold leadership during the AIDS pandemic. Mr. Mogae, 69, a man with a modest style, will receive $5 million over the next 10 years and $200,000 per year thereafter for the rest of his life. Over the coming decade, the foundation may also grant another $200,000 a year to causes of Mr. Mogae’s choice. Festus G. Mogae, trained as an economist, was Botswana’s president for two terms.

“President Mogae’s outstanding leadership has ensured Botswana’s continued stability and prosperity in the face of an H.I.V. and AIDS pandemic which threatened the future of his country and his people,” the committee said. [...] He had himself tested publicly for H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS. When he realized that the stigma of H.I.V. and AIDS was so great that people were avoiding testing, he changed the national policy to make testing a routine part of medical care."

Le prix décerné porte le nom d'Ibrahim Mo, un milliardaire d'origine soudanaise qui a révolutionné le mobile en Afrique avec la compagnie qu'il a créée puis revendue Celtel.


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