Quick hits : Internet, Agnes Taile, William Kamkwamba

  • Celebrating 40 years of the net (BBC News). "At 2100, on 29 October 1969, engineers 400 miles apart at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) and Stanford Research Institute (SRI) prepared to send data between the first nodes of what was then known as Arpanet."
  • Agnès Tailé, la journaliste camerounaise récompensée à New York par la IWMF (International Women's Media Foundation). (Cameroon-Info Net) Elle a recu le trophée du courage dans l'exercice du journalisme 2009. Son leitmotiv pour ceux qui lui demandent si elle prend trop de risque reste invariablement nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  • William Kamkwamba: Harnessing the Wind (White African). Review of the book The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind” . William was an expert at creative thinking and improvising, using a bicycle dynamo to power his first windmill.


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