Cameroon Football Fever : a field of dreams

Beaucoup de nos jeunes rêvent de devenir le prochain Eto'o Fils (dont l'avenir au Barça est encore incertain) et d'être la prochaine star du football Camerounais. Un article sur la fièvre footballistique qui touche notre pays, intitulé Field of Dreams dans le Time Magazine relate comment ces espoirs peuvent vite tourner à la désillusion pour des centaines de jeunes qui tentent leur chance et s'en remettent à des intermédiaires peu scrupuleux dans la perspective de se faire recruter par un grand club européen.

Leaving. That word holds rare promise in this central African country. In a region with outsized corruption and limited opportunities, leaving Cameroon — and the continent — can transform lives of grinding poverty and rewrite an entire family's history. And among Yaoundé's one million or so residents, who live mostly in cramped shanties with patchy electricity and little indoor plumbing, it is football that holds more promise — and potential peril — than any other way out.
[...] in europe, hundreds of african youths have told immigrant-support groups that they have been brought to the Continent by unscrupulous agents, who seemingly had acted as freelancers with no authority from European clubs.


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