This isn't what I want, but I'll take the high road. | JJ Principle (1)
Take the High Road. I am sure several ones of you have heard it before tossed at like a wisdom nugget, and have wondered "which road is that ?" or worse, should you have been too stunned or lost, your mouth merely expulsed two words "come again ?" Truth be told, it's one of these sentences that are thrown away when a conflict arises, but on which, few can give a precise defintion. I'll try my best to remedy to that. So what does "Take the high road" really means ? John C. Maxwell theorized The High Road Principle gives us a good explanation by stating that there are three roads or options that we can take in life: The low road : where we treat people worse than they treat us. The middle road : where we treat people the same as they treat us The high road : where we treat people better than they treat us Let's ponder the options set out by Mr Maxwell 1. The Low Road If treated poorly, one reaction co...