Quick hits : l'effet Carla, Yahoo, Social Networks

  • Zimbabwe's tragedy & farce (The Economist). "So far, Mr Mugabe does not seem to care. He has made it clear he would never allow the opposition to take over, and refuses to meet Mr Tsvangirai. As Mr Mugabe and his supporting generals act more flagrantly, his neighbours face a greater test. Faced with hair-raising brutality, a blatant disregard for democracy and a country in economic ruins, the region, long paralysed by divisions and misplaced loyalty, will come under more pressure to act."
  • The Carla effect via The New York Times. "The French are different from you and me. Yes, they have Sarkozy. And they have Carla. And they have “the Carla effect,” as it’s known in Paris. "
  • The sinking house of Yang via dot.life. A recap of Yahoo's agony amidst a serie of resignations of senior execs. Future looks gloomy for Yahoo!.


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