A part ca quoi de neuf? 20-11-2006

Desolee pour le posting tres léger, du au rush de fin d'année. Je m'excuse aussi pour le cote quelque peu épars des liens ci-dessous.

  • Bon c'est officiel, Joseph Kabila est le nouveau president de la Republique Democratique du Congo. Kabila a remporte les élections présidentielles en RDC. Avec 58.05% des voix, il l'emporte largement sur Jean-Pierre Bemba qui n'a recueilli que 41,95% des suffrages. Jean-Pierre Bemba a rejete les resultats en ces termes: "I regret to have to say to our people and to the international community that I cannot accept these results." Il ya de cela quelques jours seulement, les deux rivaux étaient encore bras dessus, bras dessous et chacun clamait accepter les résultats des urnes une fois qu'ils seraient officiels. De pareilles déclarations nous invitent a croire que cela n'étaient que des voeux pieux ou pire encore des déclarations politiciennes. Même si Bemba promet de n'user que de recours légaux, l'on est est en droit de s'inquiéter pour un pays en proie a un conflit depuis pres de 5 ans.
  • I want to be a blog star. enfin presque! Quelques conseils de TechMeme pour avoir son blog liste par TechMeme et accroitre le trafic sur son blog. Si je me fie a certains emails récemment recus, la lecture de ce lien devrait en intéresser plus d'un :) En résumé 1)Focus on content that provides value to readers, make it concise, and well written. 2) Link to other relevant blogs, and hopefully get links to you. 3)Link to TechMeme.
  • Lessons from Project Management: 101 ways to organize your life. Tres tres interessant comme post. Un must read.


Anonyme a dit…
I am Anandi Pendse, a graduate student pursuing my masters in Human-Computer Interaction at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, U.S.A. I belong to the college of computing (http://www.cc.gatech.edu/). I am writing a research paper on the Effectiveness of blogs in promoting and raising awareness about development activities such as women's issues, conflict resolution and education etc under the guidance of Dr. Michael Best ( http://www.inta.gatech.edu/~michael_best).
I am focusing on blogs written by residents of developing countries or blogs about developing countries. I am trying to cover as many countries and development issues as possible.
I came across your blog through a blog search engine and thought you would be an ideal person to be a part of my survey.
I would be grateful if you could take out some time from your schedule and answer the questions in the survey. This survey should not take more than 15 minutes to complete. I am hoping that this survey will help me to pinpoint the deficiencies and improve blog service providers so that you and other bloggers like you can use the blog in a better way to raise awareness and get your ideas across.
I assure you that the information you give will not be used for any purpose other than this paper and your identity will not be revealed to anyone. There will be no mention of your name or nationality or any other personal information in the paper. The information you provide will be used to generate statistics and only these statistics will be used in the paper.

This survey is divided into 2 parts. Following are the links to the 2 parts.
Please do respond to both the links


If you go to this link and respond to the survey it means that you are voluntarily consenting to be a part of the survey and allowing the information you provide to be used to compile statistics for the research paper. If you are a minor i.e. an individual who is less than 18 years of age the please seek parental permission before taking the survey. I would once more like to make it clear that no personal information you provide will be revealed to any person or organization.

If you have any other questions or would like to share any other information please email me at anandi@gatech.edu. I would be glad to answer.

I am hoping that you can be a part of this survey,

Anandi Pendse
Masters in Human Computer Interaction
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology

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